Obtaining visasVisas for international travel to attend schools are very common United States entry visas to apply for. However, just because the applicant may wish to attend school in the United States does not mean that the individual is entitled to apply for a student visa. The very first requirement that an individual must meet when applying for a student entry visa is getting accepted to an accredited United States school. The school is required to be certified by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Any school that is not accredited by this organization cannot be attended with any type of student entry visa.
The second requirement for receiving visas for studying in the United States is
receiving Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility from the school that the
individual will be attending. Any school that is can be attended under student
entry visa laws will have access to these forms. Without these forms, an entry
visa for the student cannot be obtained.
The aforementioned school forms, along with Form DS-156 and Form DS-158, are
necessities for obtaining a student visa. These forms are also required to be
accompanied by various forms of identification. A current passport that has an
expiration date of at least six months after the expected date of the student's
return is necessary for an entry visa. A current identification card is
likewise necessary. Old school transcripts, if applicable, will additionally be
needed to gain visas for student visa statuses in the United States.
Proof of funds to pay both tuition and living expenses is required of students
requesting visas for United States student status as well. A sponsor, or an
American individual who has made an agreement to pay an individual’s tuition,
is allowed to help with this. Proof of the sponsor's income must be verified to
obtain a United States entry visa for a student.
An interview along with a digital fingerprint screening at embassies and
consular centers is the last necessary step and requirement that must be taken
to receive a United States entry visa. The individual’s application will then
be reviewed and a formal entry visa will either be issued or denied.
Before an individual applies for a student visa, they should keep in mind all the needed requisites for obtaining one. A foreign applicant will not be issued a student visa unless they possess everything that has been requested by a consular office.